The purpose of Writer Corps is to facilitate a space of normalcy and a sense of community among U.S. military veterans who attend institutions of higher education, as well as any other institutions who serve the needs of veterans. Using the creative writing workshop method, Writer Corps encourages participating veterans to articulate thoughts, feelings, or experiences in writing; craft their stories through collaboration and revision; and to ultimately share their pieces with the larger on and off campus communities through publication in our annual literary journal, DMZ.  Through public readings held throughout the year (most notably, the April journal release party and literary showcase), Writer Corps spreads awareness to student and civilian populations so they might be more cognizant of the experiences of military and post-military individuals.

Writer Corps does not promote or support any philosophical or political point-of-view. The primary goal of Writer Corps is to assist veterans with their scholarly, personal, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In addition to providing a place where veterans can feel comfortable among their peers, members of Writer Corps have conveyed how the use of expressive writing alleviates some of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Since Writer Corps’ founding, the group has helped with the transitioning of numerous veterans through direct involvement and has influenced many more through the presence of DMZ and a variety of public readings and promotions. Because many veterans have expressed the importance of their involvement with Writer Corps as a key factor in their continued attendance and completion of college, as well as their psychological well-being, Writer Corps hopes to help establish and maintain Writer Corps chapters at other colleges and universities, as well other groups with a veteran presence. To accomplish this mission, we are prepared to work one-on-one with interested parties to share materials, methodologies, and best practices, and to model workshops so that start-ups may be as fluid as possible.